
Tiny Toddler Babysitter Blog is place where babysitters and nannies of all ages can get tips and tricks to having a better day at work. I like to post games, crafts, and fun ways to learn to get you through the day with less meltdowns and more energy.

Three days a week I am referred to as “Miss Lindsey” (usually sounding more like “Me Hinsey) by a three year old boy, Chase. If it were up to him, we would push trains around and around and around… and around his train track table all day long. But to avoid a painfully long day pushing trains, I started looking up fun things to do to pass time and ultimately benefit him by teaching him new things. I love to post the things Chase and I do together during the day, whether they have been successful or not. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monthly Blog Question

Each month I want to ask my visitors a question.

Lately, I've been trying to find different ways to distract Chase. His parents work from home and we avoid coming in the house through the back door which leads right to their offices. We always come in and out through the front of the house but some days Chase decides he wants to use the back door. I try my hardest, however, not to use it. Not even "just this one time" because once always turns into all the time with young kiddies. I usually tell him, "Oh no, the door is locked. We HAVE to use the front door to get it." Whether the door is locked or not, after a few minutes he finally gives in. 

This month's question:

How do YOU distract your tiny toddlers when they are persistently trying to do something you do not want them to do?

Fourth of July: Uncle Sam Craft

Fourth of July was one day away. Wanting to help Chase get into the spirit of the holiday, I looked up fun crafts. I found this Uncle Sam mask craft and fell in love. Too cute and couldn't have been any easier to make.

Things You’ll Need: Red, white, and blue construction paper, Paper plate, Cotton Balls, Scissors, Glue (Optional: White star stickers)

Step 1: Take a paper plate from the kitchen and cut out a circle in the middle. This is where the tiny toddler’s face will go.

Step 2: Cut out all of the construction paper for the hat. You can use a red rectangle and cut white strips for stripes OR you can use a white rectangle and red paper for the stripes. It is up to you. Next, cut a smaller blue rectangle for the hat’s brim.

Step 3: You have different options for the stars. You can use stickers or cut out stars using white construction paper. (I cut them out paper but I’m sure the stickers would be easier!)

Step 4: This is when your tiny toddler comes in to play. Have him or her help glue the stars to the blue brim, the brim to the large rectangle, and the stripes to the rectangle. When you are all done glue the hat to the paper plate.

Step 5: To finish it all off, glue cotton balls all along the bottom of the paper plate for the beard!

Step 6: After it dries, enjoy watching your tiny toddler look like Uncle Sam!