
Tiny Toddler Babysitter Blog is place where babysitters and nannies of all ages can get tips and tricks to having a better day at work. I like to post games, crafts, and fun ways to learn to get you through the day with less meltdowns and more energy.

Three days a week I am referred to as “Miss Lindsey” (usually sounding more like “Me Hinsey) by a three year old boy, Chase. If it were up to him, we would push trains around and around and around… and around his train track table all day long. But to avoid a painfully long day pushing trains, I started looking up fun things to do to pass time and ultimately benefit him by teaching him new things. I love to post the things Chase and I do together during the day, whether they have been successful or not. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Santa is Coming

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and everyone knows as soon as we are done feasting, our minds instantly switch over to Christmas mode. I mean, before Thanksgiving is even over the Black Friday sales and shopping begin. So before I got too caught up in it all, I made a Christmas Advent Calender with Chase. That way on December 1 it was all ready with no hassle. 

Basically, the advent calender is a special countdown to Christmas and each day of December your kids can open up a little present. The one I made looked similar to this one.

 However, as a background I used green poster board and had Chase decorate the envelopes. He colored them green and red and put Christmas stickers all over. In each envelope I had a little something special for him to open each day leading up to Christmas. Some things included: stickers, candy canes, ring pops, a harmonica, and a Santa wind-up toy.

I really enjoyed making this for many reasons. It was fun and allows the children you babysit to express their unique creativity as they decorate each envelope. It is also a great way to reinforce good behavior. The kids know Santa is coming so they have to be good. If the children are being good or do something nice, they can open their present for that day. 

Here are some other fun ideas:

What other advent calender ideas do you have or any other fun ways to make sure your kids are being good, because you know Santa is watching :)

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